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The Water Castle Part 1

Okay, so as I established in my other dream post, I have weird things going on in my head. Last time I gave you three unrelated dreams that all happened on the same night, but this time I’m here to give you part one of two related dreams that happened on different nights. These ones are more of a linear story than the last set, so they’ll probably be far more enjoyable to read.

This first dream happened this past February I think. It was early in the year, I can tell you that for sure. When it started out, I was just kind of exploring my grandma’s house. I have this dream every once in a while, where I’ll just walk around her house and look at things, and then in the back bedroom, there’s always this old bookroom that doesn’t exist in real life. That’s usually the only really off thing about that dream though. This time however, she had another secret room in the back of the closet in her office. There was just another door in the back of the closet, but nothing seemed particularly off about it to my dream self.

When I opened the door, I saw there was a large and open classroom inside. It looked like it was an elementary school classroom because it had a whole back wall full of windows, and below them there were a bunch of cubbies filled with books and school supplies. I walked around the classroom, just picking up things and looking at them, until I noticed a staircase in the corner of the room. This is where the dream started feeling more surreal to me, because my grandma’s house is only one story—there can’t be stairs leading to another level.

There were 3 full cases of stairs that I took up to what was best described as the roof, though it was more like the roof of a tall office building than a house. It was all stone, and the sky felt ominous. It was sunset, but there were dark storm clouds everywhere trying to mask the colors in the sky. I looked around, and saw a walkway leading off the edge of the roof and over to a large stone castle that just happened to be nearby.

I followed the walkway and it came to a fork where I could either go left or right. I went right and followed it to this open area where there was a trapdoor on the ground. I opened it up and inside was like a high school gym, but it was filled with water. I jumped inside, but for some reason the water was breathable and didn’t make my clothes weigh me down. I swam to the bottom, and Cass was there. We talked for a bit, and he said he needed to go to the bathroom, so we swam back up to the trapdoor.

There was a guard up there who said if we were going to go to the bathroom, he would have to handcuff us, and we would need to take off all our jewelry. I found this strange, since I almost never wear jewelry, but I proceeded to take off my rings and a bracelet. Cass took off his too, and the guard made us put them in a soda can while we went. He handcuffed us, we went to the bathroom, then we took our jewelry back, and swam back down into the gym.

End of dream.

Yeah, I know it’s weird and oddly specific…but just wait for part two


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